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Join Ulysses Club

Not a member yet? Apply to become a member of Ulysses Club today.




We have rides for Ulysses Club Members, prospective members, and their partners most Sundays and Wednesdays. We also have monthly dinner meetings, regular social nights, and weekends away, which are all listed on our Rides and Social Events tab on this website. See meeting places and times in each ride or event note.


Any rider is welcome to attend our gatherings. After sampling some rides and social gatherings, we hope you like what you see, and join this great national club where as a Member you can continue these activities with us and enjoy the friendships you will make.


We ask for a gold coin donation (voluntary) to come on a ride with us. As we are a self-funded Branch, we use donated ride monies to fund the few expenses we have annually. For example, the website, rescue trailer registration and our PO box. The balance is donated to the Club's charity - UCARF 

(Ulysses Club Arthritis Research Fund).


All riders are encouraged to ride safely and at their own pace, as we will wait at regular intervals for everyone to regroup.

Please start all rides with a full tank of fuel and an empty bladder.




The corner marking system we use on rides is in place to help keep everyone going the same way and not getting lost.


Our rides are led by a dedicated Ride Leader (RL). If a RL has not been designated prior to meeting at a ride leaving point, then one shall be volunteered at that time.


Before the ride departs, the RL will gather everyone and lay out the ride route for the day. The RL will explain the planned breaks for eating, drinking, and refuelling. The RL will also advise of expected road conditions, explain the cornering marking system, and ask for a volunteer Tail End Charlie (TEC).




The TEC will stay at the rear of the group and ensure all riders are ok.


As the ride progresses and the RL approaches a corner where a change of direction is required, they will point to where the following rider is to stop and mark the corner. This rider, the Corner Marker (CM), then indicates which way the following riders are to go by using their indicators and hand signals if required. All other riders keep following the RL who will in turn point to where the following riders are to act as CMs. The CM stays there until the TEC approaches, who will signal the CM to re-join the ride. It is particularly important to wait for the TEC to arrive at each corner. If the TEC does not arrive, it means something has gone wrong behind you and if you move on, no one behind you will know which way to go at the corner you are marking. In that case, it may be worth re-tracing the route to check on the other riders.




If any rider wishes not to continue with the group, they should let the TEC and /or RL know prior to leaving.


If you would like to organise a ride, contact our Ride Co-ordinator,

John Frearson 0408 031 117 

and for Adventure Rides, contact Bob Randall 0447 363 545


If you would like to lead one of the rides we already have in place, contact 

Grant Howell 0439 810 666, and you will be named on the website, as the Ride Leader for your chosen ride.


All our committee contact details are on the 'Contact Us' page of this website.


A link to our Facebook page can also be found at the top of the main page, or the bottom of the menu on mobile devices




Ride Practices – Ride Rules

Member safety is always the prime consideration whenever planning, leading, or taking part in an organised ride. Leaders and organisers of rides should always consider the age of participants, riding abilities, road and weather conditions and any other issue which may affect the ride when leading or planning a ride, and plan accordingly.

The ride needs to be well publicised ahead of the departure date for potential participants to review whether they will feel comfortable enough to attend that ride or not. For example, a ride length more than 200 kilometres may not be suitable for everyone as each rider has his or her individual limits. Likewise, a ride in a twisty or challenging environment may not suit all riders, especially those new to motorcycling. Therefore, clear notice needs to be given well in advance for the precise location and times for the start of the ride as well as the proposed destination point.

All persons taking part in a ride should be licensed to ride their mount of choice, and such motorcycle should be registered. Any ride leader, or committee member who becomes aware that a person intending to take part in the ride or taking part in the ride is unlicensed or riding an unregistered bike should ask that person to leave the ride forthwith. The presence of an unlicensed person or an unregistered machine places the safety of other persons on the ride at risk. Likewise, riders of machines that are clearly un-roadworthy, for example with bald tyres, should be asked to leave the ride as these pose a serious threat to other road users.

Members on a ride should be reminded that they are always to adopt safe riding practices and to ride within their limits. They should be reminded that as they are riding on public roads or anywhere defined as a road under the various State acts, or Private Parking Area acts, they are required to comply with the relevant State laws at all times. The destination of the ride, any stopping points and route to be taken should be made clear to ride participants prior to the ride commencing, especially newer riders who may not wish to ride in a group formation.

The National Committee has advised and directed that branches are to abolish any Branch Ride Rules, either written or otherwise. The Club does not carry insurance for members on rides, as members are required to comply with State laws in relation to registration and insurance of their vehicles, and to comply with the requirements of the various laws and also the conditions of their insurance policies.

The Club policy is that “the Club does not endorse any ride procedure, rather a meeting place for rides to leave from, and individual’s choice as to where and how they ride, subject to road and traffic conditions and regulations.”

Join Ulysses Club

Not a member yet? Apply to become a member of Ulysses Club today.


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