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Ride Reports


8 starters today and with John in the lead once more we left Macca’s and headed for the train park at Deloraine via Longford, Bracknell and Osmaston. One turned back there while the rest of us followed John to Sheffield via Meander, Caveside, Mole Creek and Paradise. After lunch at the Bakery we went through Nook, Latrobe, Harford and down Frankford Rd to The Blue Barn cafe where the ride finished. Thanks again to John and all riders

Ride report By Ivan Scott


23 Feb 2023

8 of us on 7 bikes this week as John led the midweek marauders on our ride. First stop the train park at Deloraine where one of our number departed the ride. Pressing on, the back roads to Mole Creek where we enjoyed the meal and each other’s company at the pub. One more left us due to work commitments while the rest of us left for our final stop at the Blue Barn Cafe which we got to via Paradise, Railton, Latrobe and Harford. Another nice break and continued to solve the world’s problems which was a discussion started over lunch. We had some sobering thoughts reflecting on Bruce’s resolution to societies challenges. Another great day out. Thanks John. Good to see you up front again 

Report By Ivan Scott



A good turnout for our midweek ride yesterday. 13 riders with two pillions. We were planning on going to Waratah but the likelihood of rain squashed that plan so Bruce led us to the Weldborough pub instead for lunch. He’s put Waratah on next weeks agenda weather permitting.

We started off heading for Nunamara then down to Lilydale Rd. One of our number peeled off there and headed back. Next stop, Scottsdale caravan stop where several body parts got stretched. Another couple departed the ride there. The brave ones carried on with an enjoyable ride to Weldborough. We were able to welcome Graham from the Geelong branch who enjoyed his day out with us. After lunch we headed back to Bridport for another stretch before heading back to Lilydale via Pipers River Rd and Bangor. Somewhere on that route one of our Gary’s had a run in with a native hen. Coyote VStrom 1, roadrunner 0. After the obligatory ice cream at Lilydale, we departed for our own destinations. A great day out. Thanks Bruce and all starters report by Ivan Scott


Wednesday 11 May 5 starters and 3 finishers today with Roger winning the ride leaders cap to celebrate his first ride of the year. He took us to Mt. Round cafe at Cethana via Ecclestone Rd., Selbourne, Westbury, Deloraine and Mole creek. Bruce left us at Deloraine and Walter at Chudleigh. The cafe closes about 12 but he stayed open for us till 1pm. After lunch Roger led Gary and myself through Staverton, Acacia Hills, Spreyton, Latrobe and Harford ending up at Blue Barn cafe for smoko and rides end. Great day out. Thanks Roger for leading and to all starters

Report By Ivan


17 Aug 2022

Another great ride as Roger led Brendan, Gary Preece and me to a lunch date at Weldborough pub. Over the sidling for what maybe the last time for a while as major road works are due to commence on Monday. A stop at the gallery cafe where Gary left the ride leaving 3 of us to soldier on. On arriving at Weldborough via Winnaleah we discovered that the pub was shut until September so we had a discussion about an alternative location. That took about 3 seconds and we took off to the Pub in the Paddock. Once over the top and heading down hill, the road dried out and we saw sunshine but Roger still couldn’t go faster than a Mack truck. A nice lunch and a few jokes later we headed back towards Scottsdale. A little bit quicker this time as better conditions and less traffic. Down Golconda Rd. stopping at Lilydale for a break and goodbyes. Still full from lunch I couldn’t manage the ice cream but Brendan carried the torch. Thanks guys for a great day.  By Ivan


August 11 2022

A great ride for the Wednesday marauders this week with 2 Goldwings and 3 650 Su’s heading down the East Tamar lead by Gary Rice. We had met up with the North West group a couple of weeks ago and they had recommended the Meander shop for good food so that was our lunch destination. Through Windermere, Batman, Flowery Gully, Glengarry, Birralee, Westbury, Golden Valley to Meander. With the dining room still under construction, we took our meals to an outside table beside the river. Wasn’t hard to take. After lunch, a short ride to Huntsman lake for some sightseeing before heading off through all the winding roads to a smoko stop at Westbury. Here we separated and went our own way home. A couple of new roads and a great day out. Thanks to Gary for leading and to all for the fun and company Ride report by Ivan


Aug 9 2022


3 People showed up for the Sunday ride to the Pub in the PaddocK. As we were only 3 there was much discussion as to the ride and destination to the Pub in the Paddock because no one was really committed to Pyenganna so we decided to ride to Campbeltown for coffee at Banjo's for further discussions. We headed towards Evandale via the old highway then to the Midlands Highway to the middle road at Mt Joy, the ride was uneventful until I decided to take a break and stop about 2 klms before the Cressy junction which inturn made the others notice I wasn't behind them anymore, turned around to search for the missing rider and when found on the side of the road having a comfort break we eventually headed to Campbeltown and there settled into morning tea a Campbeltown where Tony G and Wal couldn't handle all the excitement and decided to head home, Apologies to Tim if he did go to the Pub in the Paddock to meet up with the so called riders from Lonnie.Ride report By Tony

July 20 2022

An awesome mid week ride today, cold but dry roads and rolling green countryside. Ecclestone Rd from Riverside through Bridgenorth (2 degrees!), Glengarry, Flowery Gully, across the Batman Bridge then Mt Direction, Lower Turners Marsh, Pipers River and Pipers Brook roads. A lovely lunch and chat with Gary and Ivan at Nadines cafe at the Pipers Brook winery then home via Lilydale By Steven


June 9 2022

Great day Wednesday, cold but dry roads through Golden Valley, Mole Creek, Gog Range, Sheffield, Bridle Track, Merseylea, Frankford Highway and home. Here we are suiting up after lunch at the Mole Creek pub, beautiful snow capped background. Thanks Ivan for leading and Bob, Jan, Mick and Brendan for excellent company. By Steven


June 1 2022

Great day out today. Roger led Jan, Bob, Brendan and myself to Windows on Westella at Ulverstone. After a nice lunch and chat our ride leader took us to the go-cart track at Latrobe where we all swapped 2 wheels for 4 and about 4 inches above the ground. Jan’s first time in a cart and we all had fun. Roger and Brendan were the speedsters of the track. I’ll not as supple as I was when I last carted(about 20 years ago) and needed help extracting myself from the cart. Happy to get back on the bike, but like the others, I enjoyed the experience. Thanks for a great ride and days excitement Roger and to the others for their participation and company.

Report By Ivan


Midweek ride Wed. 25 May.

Roger led the charge today. 8 of us on 7 bikes headed for Scottsdale via Lilydale and then onto Branxholm. Here we parted company. Roger, Jan(newby) and myself carried on to St. Helens for lunch while the rest turned back. Brendan was the only one who had to start work so we didn’t listen to the other excuses . Great ride there and back. We retraced our path back to Lilydale where we arrived about 3:15 pm. Had a good run. After smoko, Jan and I bid farewell to Roger as he headed off to Lonnie while we went to G. Town via Mt Direction. Great day out. Thanks Roger for leading and to all who started

The 3 finishers at Lilydale.

Ride report by Ivan


13 Apr 2022

This week’s Wednesday ride saw 8 of us heading off to Scottsdale via the Sideling. A short break at the top so Jan (the new guy) could have a look. We were down to 7 at this stage. By the time we got to the caravan park at Scottsdale, we were 5 in number. Dropping like flies . Another 2 elected to turn back there leaving Brendan and Jan on their Goldwings and me on the Strom to make our way to the Pub in the Paddock. A great lunch and a beer for the pig. Retracing our path to Scottsdale via Legerwood for another short break, then down to Lilydale for the anticipated ice cream. Leaving Brendan, Jan and I made our way back via Pipers River. Jan is a prospective member from Georgetown. The ride was great except for a bit (quite a bit) of loose gravel between Weldborough and Pyengana. Needed to stick to the wheel tracks. The sun was another bit of a problem later on the day. Other than that, great day out.

Report By Ivan.


30 March 2022

8 starters and 6 finishers today Guy led the charge of the midweek marauders as we wound our way to Ulverstone for lunch. Brendan and Walter had to leave early while the rest of us toured the countryside ending up at Blue Barn cafe. Thanks for a great day all. We had a visiting guest from Georgetown with us today. A good introduction to Ulysses. He’s keen to come again. Also, Jan Randall has a new bike. The long awaited Kawasaki 400 was out and about with us. Looking good.

Report By Ivan


March 24 2022

11 of us on 10 bikes left Macca’s with Sheffield being the lunch destination. Gary and Ilene led the charge with our first stop being Mole Creek. 8 bikes proceeded from there to Oliver’s Rd stopping for a photo at Round Mt. lookout. Next stop Sheffield with some opting for the bakery while the rest went for a pub meal. From there, down the bridle track then to Merseylea and Frankford dropping off another 3 on the way. 6 of us on 5 bikes finished the ride at Blue Barn café. Great day out. Thanks Gary for leading and to all starters.

Report By Ivan


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March 20 2022

Awesome ride today.

Steve unfortunately got a flat tyre.

Thankyou gentlemen for helping Steve out so he could get home and I didnt have to leave him behind lol.

Great people that you are.

Bottom piccie Steves new project. I Like it like this . Should he change it ?

Report by Cindy


March 13

Great day for a ride today to Moina.

Lots of awesome roads to navigate our way around.

I got bitten by a wasp on my cheek having lunch.

Bit sore putting the helmet back on but the adrenaline of riding soon made my forget that.

One day I will get a photo of you smiling Bob !!

Report By Cindy


Mar2 2022

8 starters today for the midweek ride Guy led us to lunch which was going to be taken at Sheffield. At about Kimberley, Guy noticed the threatening sky where we were heading and had a mind change bearing right through Merseylea and headed for Port Sorell. After a rest and a feed, we set off down Frankford Rd to Blue Barn Cafe’ for more refreshments and goodbyes. Great day out. Thanks Guy.

Report By Ivan


Feb 23 Mid week ride

6 starters today for the midweek marauders ride with 5 survivors for lunch. Guy led the charge to Greens Beach via Bridgenorth Rd, Winkleigh and Flowery Gully. Great roads. A very small amount of drizzle just out of Exeter but then dry for the rest of the day. After lunch, over Batman via Kayena and onto Hillwood jetty cafe. A very pleasant spot for smoko. Thanks to Guy for leading and to all who ventured out 

Report By Ivan


FEB 03 2022

This weeks midweek ride was led by Brendan with 9 of us starting out. We rode through Longford and onto Poatina stopping for a short break at the village. Then up the hill stopping again at the lookout near the top. My temperature read 12 deg. 60 seconds over the top and it plunged to 7.5 deg. On went the heated grips on all the bikes that had them. We reminded the others how good they were . Only 8 of us now as we made our way to Central Highlands Lodge at Miena for a nice lunch. From there, down the Highland Lakes Rd. to Deloraine where we had smoko at the Gelati cafe. Very nice. We said our goodbyes then and parted company. Another great day out. Thanks Brendan. Good ride

Report By Ivan

Jan 30 2022

A few photos from today's Adventure ride, 7 riders today a great bunch of guys, gravel roads fire trails a little bit of single track ended up in Branxholm for a late lunch, top day click on image for viewer


Dec 9 2021

6 starters for the midweek ride. Led by Guy, we headed off for lunch at Ulverstone via the Gog and Forth. Walter left us at Mole Creek to get back for work leaving Barry, Bruce, Gary and myself to follow Guy the rest of the day. A great ride ending up at Blue Barn Cafe at Frankford. Barry very happy with his new bike 

ride report by Ivan


Mid week ride Sept 8 2021 

7 riders today for the mid-week ride. Led by Roger, we took off down the Bass H’Way branching off at Oaks Rd. Through Whitemore, Westbury and down Osmaston Rd where we had to come to a stop at Cluan Rd intersection as a mob of Jersey bulls was using the road. They weren’t ment to go down Cluan Rd. but some of them did. Roger to the rescue, headed them off and brought them back. That would have to be a first, mustering cattle on a Ninja 1000. Jan was in a red safety vest hoping the bulls were colour blind. I thought my first aid kit was going to get a 2nd use for the day but a serious gouging and extreme stomping would have stretched its use a bit. I had the camera on standby just in case. After Jans danger had passed, we carried on through Deloraine and down Mole Creek Rd to Chudleigh. A brief stop and goodbyes said to Jan, Bob and Walter then Ross, Brendan and I followed Roger over Round Mt, through Staverton, West Kentish to Sheffield where we lunched at the bakery. From there, down Bridle Track Rd. to Kimberley where Ross and Brendan turned right and headed home while Roger and I headed up to Merseylea and Sassafras to the Frankford H’Way and Blue Berry Barn cafe’. From there, to Exeter and Roger and I parted company and came home. Great day out. Thanks to Roger for a great ride.

Ride report By Ivan

Brilliant Ride to St Helens today. Dec 5 2021

Weather was awesome. There was 6 riders off the starting blocks.

Great day with Phil, Richard and Tim.

Jan Randall had a busy day. She dodged a wallaby and a cow.

But it looks like she loves the Indian but it seems Bob is not encouraging her lol.

Merry Christmas everyone and a happy 2022 By Cindy via facebook


Mid week Ride 20/10/2021

Ten of us on 9 bikes turned up for the mid-week marauders ride. With Steve O in the lead we headed off with our 1st stop being Mole Creek via Ecclestone Rd.,Selbourne, Westbury, Osmaston, Deloraine and Red Hills. From Mole Creek we headed through Paradise, West Kentish and Staverton to Cethana. The cafe was closed there so we carried on to the restaurant at the intersection of Cradle Mountain Rd. and Cethana Rd. A nice lunch and headed off once more on Cradle Mountain Rd through Wilmer before branching off on Spelmans Rd. to Upper Castra, Wilmot Rd. to Barrington Rd. to Sheffield. Our numbers had thinned a bit after lunch but 6 riders enjoyed some spectacular scenery on some new roads for some of us. After a break at the bakery we headed off once again down the Bridal Track where Gary and I turned left and headed for Beaconsfield via Merseylea , Frankford and Holwell. Steve, Guy, Bob and Brenden headed off home through Kimberley.

A really great day out. Thanks all and especially Steve for leading a really terrific ride.

Ride report by Ivan.


Mid week ride. 13/10/2021

Another great ride today. 9 Starters led by Guy made our way to Mole Creek via Westwood, Cluan, Osmaston, Golden Valley, Meander, Red Hills, Dairy Plains, and Western Creek. A nice lunch at the pub then back through Chudleigh and Red Hills, turning left onto Coxs Rd. through Dunorlan, Weegena,Kimberley, Weetah, Deloraine to Westbury where we had Smoko at the Hub at I. G. A. Great day, managed to avoid what little rain there was around. Good roads with minimal traffic. Thanks Guy for leading and to all starters

ride report by Ivan.


 6 Oct 2021

9 starters and 9 finishers for the mid-week ride today. That’s one for the books. Steve O led the charge taking us through Lonnie and over the sidling to Scottsdale where we stopped briefly for a stretch before heading off to Gladstone via Derby stopping at the little blue lake for another stretch for some. A nice lunch at the shop in Gladstone before heading off again to Lilydale vis Bridport, Pipers Brook Rd. and Lebrina. After a break and refreshments we said goodbyes and headed off. Great day out. Thanks to all.

Report by Ivan


Sunday October 3 Ride Report

7 of us, Tom & Sue, Wal & Karen, Graeme, Bob and myself, on five bikes left a very crowded Inveresk and headed north up the East Tamar Highway led by Tom & Sue. Took a right at Mt Direction and wended our way to Lilydale via Bangor Tram road for a welcome brunch, especially for Karen, at the Bean Barrow.

Then back the way we came to the highway, across the Batman bridge then around via Kayena to Beaconsfield and on up to Green's Beach for a yarn break and some refreshments for those still feeling hungry.

Wal & Karen headed home while the rest of us ventured up the gravel track to West Point lookout. Well worth the short walk up the hill.

Then off our various ways home, Bob and I via Holwell Gorge where Bob missed the turn into the Blue Berry Barn where i stopped for a blueberry cheesecake and iced coffee top up. Home via Priestley's lane and some more gravel, which the Niken handled no trouble at all.

A great day, thanks Tom for volunteering to lead. Great Job! You can do it anytime.

By Tim


Sept 29 2021

Guy lead the charge today with me as TEC and 8 of us on 7 bikes in between. 1st stop, Deloraine train via Carrick, Bishopsbourne, Cluan and Osmaston. One of our number dropped out here while the rest of us made our way to Mole Creek where we dropped another in number as we headed off to Round Mt. cafe via Oliver’s Rd. After a nice lunch it was off through Staverton to Sheffield for a fuel stop for some. Bye bye to another as the stayers headed off through Railton to Harford and down Frankford Rd. to the Blue Barn cafe for smoko and goodbyes. Great day out. Thanks Guy and all.

report By Ivan


Sept 23rd

Well another day of “greats” yesterday for our mid-week ride. Great weather, roads, scenery, ride and company.

11 of us on 10 bikes were starters at Macca’s and we decided that Roger would lead the ride to Waratah for lunch. We went down the Meander H’Way and made our way directly to Mole Creek. A brief stop and goodbyes to Tony and Walter who needed to return and we were on our way again. Over the Gog then through West Kentish, Staverton and Middlesex to Waratah. A nice pub lunch before refueling and heading down the Ridgley H’Way to Hampshire then branching off to South Riana and Gunns Plains. Through Preston to Ulverstone Stopping just before joining the freeway. Ross, Guy and 2 guests (Peter and Rick)on Triumphs elected to use the freeway to go home while Brendan, Jan, Bob and myself followed Roger turning off at Sassafras and heading over to Harford and down Frankford Rd. We lost Jan and Bob when we left the freeway so they must of headed straight home. Roger turned off at Bridgenorth leaving Brendan and I to make it to the Exeter bakery with 5 minutes to spare.

383 km’s and 6 hours riding but worth every corner. Thanks to all and especially to Roger who found a couple of new roads for some of us. 

Report By Ivan


Sept 15 2021

6 starters today for the midweek ride. Roger led Guy, Bob,Brendan,Walter and myself to Ross bakery for lunch. We avoided most of the midland by travelling through Bishopdbourn, Liffey Rd. , Poatina Rd. , Macquarie Rd. to Campbell Town where Walter left us to get back for work. A short stint down the H’Way to Ross. After lunch we headed back via Valleyfield Rd., Mt Joy and Panshanger Rds to Longford where we stopped at JJ’s bakery for smoko and goodbyes. Another great day out. Thanks to all 

ride report by Ivan

Mid week ride Sept 1 2021

A great day for the mid-week marauders. 9 of us on 7 bikes, we’ll 7 1/2 really with Tim’s new machine. He led us to our first brief stop at Lilydale via Nunsmara. From their, over Batman through Kayena, Beaconsfield and onto Greens Beach for lunch. We lost Walt on the way as he had work commitments. After a feed, we headed off to Blue Barn via Holwell losing another 2 on the tiger on the way. Another break, refreshments and goodbyes and we took off for home. Thanks to all and to Tim for turning up late enough to lead us. Good job. His bike looked as if it was designed with Tazzy roads in mind.

ride report by Ivan


Adventure Ride Sunday 31 January 2021

Seven apprehensive adventure bike riders lined up for Bob's promised "Dirty Ride" on an overcast morning. Off via Ecclestone road to the Tasmania Zoo turnoff where we headed towards Bridgenorth then zig-zagged over Notley Gorge towards Frankford. Along Priestley's Lane then onto Brushy Lagoon road. Got to the water alright, then the track deteriorated badly to the extent that a 4WD ute following us bailed out. Ross had a closer look at one of the mud holes than he wished, luckily only a couple of minor marks on the 850GS. I wasn't quick enough on the camera to get proof of the lie down though. Eventually, after much cursing and careful manoeuvring, we surfaced on Dolerite road, which took us down through Forestry operations to Smith and Others road and a break at the Caltex servo for a down-market lunch. South off the highway towards Railton, then via Mersey Lea to Kimberley and up the hill towards Weegena. Back on the gravel after heading towards Sheffield, then back to the bitumen on the Gog Range. We found the elusive Gog lookout as well, although only three of us risked taking our bikes up the steep few hundred metres. Well worth the effort though. Fantastic views north to the sea. Then towards Mole Creek for a final break at Earthwater cafe. Montana road past 41 degrees South to Long Ridge road onto Highland Lakes then onto Bogan road at Golden Valley for a great run home via Liffey. What an adventure! Bob did say "Dirty" ride!!

Ride report By Tim 


12/11/20 Mid week Ride.

Remembrance Day and a ride to remember as well. Party of 7 with Gary leading. We headed off to Riverside and the plan was to turn at Ecclestone Rd. and wait for any one that had been caught at traffic lights. We couldn’t turn left as roadworks at the intersection prevented any obedient road users from doing so. Gary pulled up at the pub and we waited. And waited. John( TEC) was awol.

Turns out, he managed to turn left, didn’t see us 50 metres ahead and took off. Gary finally contacted him and we found him waiting at Bridgenorth Rd. Very timely as it was 11am and we were able to observe a minutes silence for Remembrance Day. We were also grateful that we didn’t have to observe it for John. After checking that he was awake, we headed off once more with our lunch destination being Cethana cafe via Harford, Sassafras, Railton, Sheffield, and Gowrie Park. After a nice lunch over laughs, Gary lead us up Staverton Rd. detouring down West Kentish Rd. to Lake Barrington. Nice. From there, through Nowhere Else, Barrington, Sheffield, Nook, South Spreyton, Latrobe, Moriarty, Harford and back down Frankford Rd. to the Blue Barn cafe. Smoko, chats and more laughs then goodbyes and off to our respective homes. Missing a couple at smoko but they weren’t lost. Just their leave passes had expired.

A really great day. Company, weather and riding. Thank you Gary. I’ll duplicate this ride for when any mainland friends come over. Be hard for them to beat this. Thanks to all.

report by Ivan via facebook


Wednesday 21/10/2020

8 riders and 2 pillions took off Wednesday 21st with John leading us to our smoko stop at Campbell Town via Longford and down Panshanger, Mt Joy, Valleyfield and Macquarie Rds. From there, up the Esk H’Way to Avoca where we branched off for a jaunt through Rosssrden and back to Fingal. The heat came on the grips on this loop as the temp. dropped 6 deg. Lunch was served at a food stop/takeaway at Fingal which proved good value. From there, back down the Esk to Epping Forest. A new rider, Rick, from Beechford, on a Super Tenere and I headed back home from there as time was getting on, while the others turned left onto Barton Rd. making their way home through Cressy and Longford.

Thanks to all and to John for leading.. ride report By Ivan Via Facebook


 October 14th 2020

A perfect day for riding with the midweek mob. 7 of us fronted up and Guy lead us to Ulverstone for lunch. We rode the Meander H’Way to Mole Creek then over the Gog ranges to Sheffield for smoko. From there to Ulverstone via Nook, Acacia Hills, Euganana, Forth and Abbotsham. For lunch, we stopped at Windows on Westella. A great Café. From there, back through Forth, Don, StonyRise and down to East Devonport past the Airport and winding our way through WesleyVale, Northdown, Squeaking Point, Harford and onto the Frankford Rd. to the Blue Barn Café where we said our goodbyes after a nice break. A great day out, despite one of us nearly been run over by a vintage car. (An old model A ford or similar) Thanks to all and to Guy for another great ride. Report By Ivan Via Facebook


Wednesday 7th october 2020

was a great day for riding with sunshine and dry roads all day. 10 of us turned up on 9 bikes and Bruce was delegated as ride leader and Swansea the lunch stop. We started off travelling down to Evandale then over to Woolmers Ln. and the back way to Campbell Town. After smoko, all set to ale off when Walter discovered all the air in his back tyre had gone to the top. Couldn’t be plugged as the African Twin has one of those old fashioned things called a tube. Poor Walt, we thought, as we deserted him at the bakery to wait for the Ulysses trailer. He’s going to have to get another bike that doesn’t have to be piggy backed home. But, on the law of averages, he shouldn’t get another puncture for 20 years.

The rest of us followed Bruce down Lake Leake Rd. to our lunch stop. From there, back up the Tasman H’way to a fuel stop at Bicheno. Heading up towards Chain of Lagoons we encountered a camel train. Two big engines and a couple of smaller ones. Caught one of us by surprise. Carrying on up the Tasman and turning left onto the Esk H’way , over St. Mary’s pass and a brief stop in town then onto the Midland H’way and smoko and goodbyes at Epping Forest. Great day out, except for Walt’s woes Thanks to all and Bruce for leading.

Ride report By Ivan via facebook


Another great ride today. Nine of us turned up and all made it to our smoko stop at Scottsdale. John was the ride leader and took us to Nunamara, Prossers Rd, through Lilydale, Golconda and to smoko at the gallery cafe. Walt and Tony headed back while the rest of us headed off through Legerwood then on to the Derby back road and back to Brancholm. We were going to have lunch there but our first choice was closed, 2nd in quarantine and 3rd unsuitable. Back to Scottsdale for lunch at the bakery. We had light rain around Scottsdale and Legerwood but not enough to worry us hardy souls. After lunch, Steve headed off home via the sidling while John, Jan, Bob,Guy, Brendan any myself headed back via Lilydale. I branched off there returning home via Pipers River. Sunshine and dry roads all the way back. Thanks John and all others. Great day out. report By Ivan via facebook

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Ride Report

Adventure Ride Sunday 30 August 2020

Four intrepid adventurers left Inveresk to meet up with Les in Evandale. He may have been heading to Swansea, but is was by consensus that we decided to take up Roger's suggestion to go to St Helens instead. It was thought that the windy weather forecast may not be so bad heading that way. How wrong we were!

We took a short cut via Everton Lane onto the Blessington Road, then past Ben Lomond and via Roses Tier, Gunns and Upper Esk roads to Mathinna and onto the Evercreech Road where my GPS was entrusted to guide us to St Helens.

Wind was gusting up fairly strongly by then, bad enough that I couldn't leave my visor open for fear of ending up with a sand blasted face. Heading generally north east, we ended up on familiar Hogans Road towards Argonaut Road. Then came the first ROAD CLOSED sign! We thought that it was because of the half closed bridge further down that was no problem for bikes, so around the sign we went. After we had passed the metre thick, 20 metre high dead tree cut off stump high but still standing we realised there was probably another reason for the sign. No one was game to go back for a photo though, as we didn't want to end up squashed flat when it came down.

Around the sign at the other end, after clearing a log over the road, and ducking under another, we thought we'd try going east towards the coast. No luck as a bridge was gone and the makeshift crossing looked a bit risky. Back west, another ROAD CLOSED with a three metre sheer sided washout. We tried diverting around that by a track that seemed recently used, but after two dead ends ended up back at the sign. Some other bikes had made a rough track downstream so that was our last option as it was probably too far back to Mathinna for fuel for Roger.

Finally got to Argonaut Road; right to St Helens for a well earned lunch at Banjos. Threatening rain by now, so off past Pyengana turn off then up Forest Lodge and Mount Victoria roads into the back of Ringarooma. Raining well by now so decided to continue on via Mathinna Plains, Ben Ridge (couldn't see more than 50 metres in the rain and misty fog), Diddleum and Camden Hill roads to the highway near Targa, then our separate ways home for well earned hot showers.

That's why it's called Adventure Riding! A great day which I'm sure we'll all remember.

Report By Tim, Via Facebook.

Where we went from Evendale.jpg
roger now supervising Bob.jpg
Roger making his way.jpg

Sunday ride 12 July 2020

Eight of us set off after

Guy McKibben

on a cool Sunday morning. Towards Scottsdale then left at Nunamara on the Prossers Forest Road, now beautifully sealed, to the Lilydale Road and Lilydale for coffee at the local takeaway, good it was too. John, not Frearson, left us there and we went via Second River and Bangor roads onto the Pipers River road. Up to the Bridport road and a left back towards George Town then Industry and Dalrymple roads back to the Bridport road again. A quick zig zag onto the Lefroy road, left to Beechford and the old George Town road to lunch at the pub. Caught up with

Cindy Poole

lunching there with her mum who was after a pillion ride; plenty of offers but not taken up!

Back over Batman bridge and short cut to Beaconsfield past Tamar Ridge and Goaty Hill wineries. Then via Holwell Gorge, still signposted to 60, although our leader didn't see the signs, so he says!? Straight past the Blue Barn, surprise, Birralee Road to Westbury and met up with Brenda for coffee at 'Bob's' cafe! He's there that often he has shares in it apparently.

Great loop organised by Guy, great company, great day for riding.

There should be more of it.!!  By Tim, Via Facebook


Ride Report

Adventure Ride Sunday 28 June 2020

I left home late after waiting half an hour for the fog to lift and the temperature to rise, but neither occurred so I missed half an hour of riding after all.

1˚ all the way to Prospect and could hardly see more than 70 metres in front of me! Beautifully fine as I came down the southern outlet though, to meet Bob, Roger, Jamie (prospective member?) and Sean.

Off back into the fog via Evandale and Deddington, where the fog had cleared, then via English Town, Fishers Tier and Gipps Creek roads to join the Storys Creek road between Rossarden and Avoca. Down to the Avoca servo through a couple of icy corners for a bite to eat and a coffee.

Headed off towards Royal George, trying to find a track across towards Fingal. After running into some shut gates with ‘Private Property’ signs and a couple of promising looking sidetracks with similar signs, I left the other four adventurers to go via the ‘M’ road to, hopefully, Fingal and started home.

After another unfruitful survey of the St. Pauls Dome road, more signed gates, I ventured back into the fog via Barton Road from Epping Forest. Fog all the way home via Mt. Joy and Powranna roads to Cressy, then back roads to Westbury where the sun shone for 15 minutes all day!

Plenty more roads to explore next time on the monthly Adventure Ride. By Tim Via Facebook


Mid Week Ride 10/06/20

Another days riding. 10 of us left Macca’s on 9 bikes with Gary leading us down to Legana then through the curves and twisties to Beaconsfield for smoko. From there to Bridport via Mt Direction and Pipers River again with curves and twisties. After lunch, through Scottsdale, over the sidling and branching off at Nunamara, turning left on Lilydale Rd. And stopping at Spiders for smoko and goodbyes. Great day.

Ride report By Ivan Scott via Facebook.



Yesterday’s ride to Bicheno started with 8 of us on 7 bikes

3 were non member friends who came just for a short spurt and left at Campbell Town. Mike has already dropped out. Tim couldn’t stay at Bicheno and headed home while Ross, Roger and I lunched then headed for Evandale via St. Marys, Rossarden, Esk main Rd and Midland H’way. Great riding. Thanks to all.

By Ivan Scott ,via facebook


Ride Report Sunday May 24 2020

10 bikes, 10 riders and 2 pillions gathered at Inveresk in the cool morning breeze all set to breakout from the Covid19 lockdown they had been enjoying for two months. There were plenty of cobwebs to be blown off, on my bike anyway!

Ride coordinator John Frearson took the lead on the way to St Helens via Scottsdale with yours truly as tail end Charlie. The Sideling was a bit damp with running water in places, but no slippy slides that I heard about. We broke up into two groups for smoko, some inside at the Art Gallery Café and the rest outside up the street at Rhubaba.

Roger was very restrained until Scottsdale but let himself off the leash up Billycock Hill! Arrived in St Helens for lunch, some at Banjos, some at a salubrious café and one, me, went down to Skippers for fish and chips, which I brought back to eat on the street outside the café.

Home via St Mary’s pass then Stacey and pillion left us at Fingal, Bruce and pillion kept on going at Avoca where most had a break and I headed home from there via Epping Forest, Barton Road, Mount Joy Road, Longford and back roads to Westbury.

A very enjoyable day, mostly dry and sunny, great to be out on our bikes again, enjoying each other’s company and supporting local businesses doing it tough during these Corona times 

ride report by Tim Stevenson


 Mid week ride 11/03/2020


Another great day out with Gary leading the Ride of the Valkyries, well one anyway. He led Jan, Bob, Walt, Ross, Mike and myself on a scenic romp through the back roads and lanes between Lilydale and Mt. Direction. We had plenty of time to gaze at nature as Gary found us a couple of slow trucks to follow and some roadworks to sit and ponder when the green light would come on. From Mt. Direction on to Burts Exeter for lunch loosing 2 on the way but finding them waiting for us at Burts. Just getting ready to call out the national guard. After dining we made our own way home. Thanks Gary. Great ride.

Ride report by, Ivan Scott. via Facebook


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Saturday try out ride 7/3/20

A great Saturday ride today with Tim leading Mole Creek for lunch. 6 of us on 5 bikes. Mike parted from us just before Longford while the rest of us (Tim, Stacey,Steve&Tania and me) carried on the back roads stopping at Westbury for smoko. Then more backroads to lunch at the Mole Creek hotel. Fantastic scenery all the way. After our meals we said our goodbyes and made our own way home. Some more roads I’ve never been on before. Thanks Tim.

 ride report by Ivan Scott. Via Facebook


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 4/3/20 Mid week ride

A good day out with 6 of us heading off to Sheffield via Deloraine, Mole Creek and the Gog. Home via windy roads to Deloraine where we parted company for our homes. Ride report by Ivan Scott via Facebook


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Mid week ride report, 5/2/2020.

Great ride yesterday for the Midweek ride with Bob in the lead. Started with 10 with two riders returning early. Out through Cressy ( first stop- bakery) and back road to Campbell town ( next stop- bakery), thru Ross and along the Mt Morrison road - back into Ross ( next stop - bakery) and final leg thru Valleyfield into Longford for last stop - bakery😳😳. Guy insists that it was Bob’s love of coffee for the bakery stops but Guy didn’t offer any alternative stops??? Hmmmm???? But seriously great company and well done to Bob for a well organised ride with the occasional friendly banter re bike brands 😃😃 . Looking forward to the next ride with Bob in the lead or should I say “Bob’s Best Bakery Beat”



Mid Week Riders: 15/01/2020

Had the best ride today. We started at maccas south Launceston. Went to Sheffield for lunch then I don't know where I was after that but ended up at Leven Canyon after riding on amazeballs roads. Twisties and turns galore. Then back to Elizabeth Town for afternoon tea and home. Thankyou John our esteemed leader for a brilliant day. And I enjoyed Brendan, Liana, Niel, Barry and Steve,s company as well.


Ride Report By Cindy.  ( Via Facebook )

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08/01/2020 Mid Week Ride

Awesome Midweek days ride with Guy being our esteemed leader who took myself, Steve, Neil , Jan, Bob and John our tail end Charlie to Latrobe for Lunch then onto Forth filled up with Petrol and then to Wilmot where John showed me that it was 33 degrees there no wonder we were all a tad hot. Then onto Moina up over Round hill. Lots of Windies today and there were numerous comments they could hear me scraping my pegs on the Indian. WHO ME !. Stopped for much needed refreshments at Mole Creek then homeward bound. Thankyou peeps for another wonderful fun interesting ride. See you all on Sunday for the ride to Bothwell. We were also talking today that Wednesday ride coming up 15th January to be a ride to Gunns Plains. Leaving at 10.00 South Launceston Maccas. Bring some lunch and refreshments as not much food that way.

Ride report by Cindy  ( Via Facebook )

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Apr 27 2022

Just a short ride today as the afternoon forecast predicted rain. Bert Munro’s was the selected destination and six bikes and 1 pillion left Macca’s and headed off to Meander Valley Rd. Turning right onto Westwood Rd. then through Rosevale and Bridgenorth to Frankford Rd. Left on there and up to Frankford taking the tour through Loop Rd. Right on Holwell Rd. and onto Beaconsfield. Then onto Flowery Gully Rd. to Exeter. The rain held off until we were inside the cafe and eased when we left. I copped a bit on the way home but nothing too serious. Good ride and company. Thanks to all. By Ivan


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